1. Disclose asset value on the appropriate basis for
calculating costs. |
2. Disclose costs that are offset against revenues. |
3. Look through and include costs incurred in all investment
tiers. |
4. Disclose costs for the same period in which revenues are
earned. |
5. Include indirect taxes that are implicit in the price of a
product or service in
costs. |
6. Include non-recurring costs in total costs. |
7. Include costs incurred by related parties in total costs.
8. Disclose costs in your local currency. |
9. Disclose investment costs and performance by composite or
mandate. |
10. Disclose if returns are fully gross-of-fees or, if not,
disclose what costs are
from the return. |
11. Disclose time-weighted returns. |
12. Use appropriate benchmarks. |
13. Returns for less than one year must not be annualized.
14. Use and explain estimates when alignment to these
principles is neither practical
timely. |
15. Disclosures should be available for stakeholders in time
to fulfill their reporting
decision-making needs. |